Project Boneinu is a popular initiative led by Tov V’Chesed which provides much-needed support for orphaned boys in Israel. Directed by mechanchem and a supporting staff, its many services include the Boneinu house, a place where these boys can feel at home and relax physically and emotionally in a warm environment during non-school hours.
Recently, the Boneinu house has undergone renovations to improve the tree-lined roof where children have an outdoor space to themselves, a place where they find themselves in the company of other kids who don’t judge or look down upon them.
The renovations were finished in time for Bein Hazamanim so that it can be put to use during the time when they are off from school. As part of the preparations for the upcoming Bein Hazmanim season, Project Boneinu is also preparing shiurim, activities, and exciting entertainment for the participating boys. Oftentimes, single parent households go through a stressful stretch when all the kids are home and the Boneinu house is the perfect space for these kids to go spend some time and clear their minds.
The results of the Boneinu house have been lauded by mechanchim and teachers who have witnessed the tremendous impact of this warm environment. It is expected that the new additions will expand on the success of this project and serve the children even better than before.