As one of the largest Chasidishe court in Jerusalem, the nightly candle lighting of the Toldos Aharon Rebbe is a leading attraction for Chasidim and visitors. On this night, the Beis Medrash was closed to the general public with guards at the door only allowing access to those select few holding a pass. The passes were provided to orphaned families by Tov V’chesed in conjunction with Sha’arei Rachmim, an organization serving widows and orphans within the Toldos Aharon community.
The main shul hosted hundreds of widowed men and orphaned boys while the women’s section was packed with widowed woman and orphaned girls. The Rebbe lit the Menorah in an uplifting ceremony and a serious mood permeated the Beis Medrash. The atmosphere soon turned festive as the popular musician R’ Avreimy Moskowitz played lively music accompanied by a young soloist and other singers.
The men all joined in a joyful dance and the Rebbe danced in a circle with the young boys, making sure to hold the hand of each boy for awhile. As the smiles spread on their faces, the mothers shed a tear witnessing their children in a moment of bliss. The Rebbe then handed out Chanukah gelt to each boy and accepted kvitlech where the children shared all their personal needs for tefilos.