Thursday Evening, 5th night of Chanukah
The young yesomim from Buneinu had the special opportunity to visit with the Gadol Hador, R’ Chaim Kanievsky Shlit”a. R’ Chaim, who has been feeling weak in recent weeks, did not accept visitors throughout Chanukah but made an exception to continue with his annual minhag of giving coins to the boys of Buneinu. R’ Chaim gave each boy a coin and a personal bracha along with warm words of chizzuk.
Thereafter, he blessed the rest of the coins and handed them over to Rabbi Shisha of Tov V’chesed, directing him to share these coins with the generous donors who sponsor a child in the Buneinu and Bnoseinu programs. The children then left the house of the Sar Hatorah in rejuvenated spirits.