December 15, 2022

For the first time: Due to growing demand, a separate Shabbos arranged just for the Bachurim, with Shabbaton for younger boys to be scheduled in the weeks ahead — Staggerimg 42 minyanim mariv Motzei Shabbos to accommodate yesomim still in aveilus — Impact expected to last throughout the year.

Kfar Haro’ah, Israel 

The hundreds of bachurim who took part in the historic ‘Shabbos Buneinu’ this past Parsha Va’eira will not easily forget the inspiring and joyous weekend they spent in the presence of fellow yesomim and dozens of Buneinu staff, volunteers and chinuch experts.

Buneinu, a branch of Tov V’Chesed, led by the world-renowned Rabbi Shisha has long established itself as the premier relief mission standing beside children who have lost a parent in every way possible—emotionally, financially, socially etc.

But among its many activities, the annual Shabbatons have earned unique acclaim for giving the boys an opportunity to experience some true joy and be filled with chizuk for the long year ahead.

After weeks of preparation, Friday morning saw buses and shuttles leave from all across Israel to deliver the children to the campus that was beautifully set up to accommodate the big getaway.

Rabbi Yakov Shisha, Rabbi Meir Aker, and Rabbi Meir Shmiel Shisha who direct the Buneinu program, greeted each child with warmth and welcomed them to a Shabbos that would be filled with lavish meals, inspiring workshops, song and dance, and an opportunity to leave difficult life at home behind.

After receiving their welcoming package and enjoying a tasty to’amehu with musical accompaniment, the uplifting Kabolas Shabbos was kicked off by speeches preparing the boys for this momentous occasion.

During the lengthy davening the bachurim went outside for an uplifting dance, before returning inside for an unforgettable seudas Shabbos that was followed by a song-filled ‘buteh’ under the stars that filled the night with nigunei Shabbos.

After that, the bachurim gathered for a fascinating symposium that ran until 4 AM where they were invited to ask any questions on their mind and receive the right hashkafa to deal with what life throws in their path.

The bachurim thus began a jam-packed day full of stimulating programming.

At 8 in the morning, the entire building began ringing in unison as the alarm clocks that were gifted to each bachur were pre-set by the staff to ring at this designated time. 

The Shabbos morning meal lasted until an hour before mincha time, when they all gathered to learn with chavrusa pairings that were determined via lottery.

This led into the highlight of the Shabbos, the tear-soaked Shalosh Seudos in the dark, where song of tefilah and dveikas mixed with the pain of these broken neshamos shook the gates of heaven.

Motzei Shabbos saw dozens of minyanim Mariv held at once so that all the bachurim who are in the year R”L can daven and say kaddish.

A lavish melava malka was held, where the bachurim greeted with applause the news that two new Buneinu Centers—open whenever school’s out for the boys to eat a warm meal, relax, air out, speak with a mentor etc.—are soon to open their doors in Beitar and Tzfas, with available sponsorship opportunities made final in the weeks ahead. 

As part of the melava malka, a siyum was held on the entire shisho sidrei mishnah, learned by the bachurim in their free time in honor of their deceased parents.

It is hard for mere words to describe the feeling in the room as hundreds of innocent young boys recited kaddish together in memory of the dear father and mother in shomayim.

The evening then featured exciting singing and dancing deep into the night.

The clock showed early morning when the attendees boarded buses and received their Shabbos souvenirs and nosh bag for the way home.

It did not take long until the calls and messages from their widowed mothers and others began streaming in with feedback on the great spirits in which the boys returned from the Shabbos. The effects of this short but meaningful experience is sure to positively impact the bachurim for many months to come—and beyond!

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