Netanya – It was a Shabbos to remember as the boys from Buneinu, many of them fresh yesomim from the recent difficult periods, gathered for an uplifting getaway at a beautiful resort. Throughout the Shabbaton, the impressionable young yesomim received constant encouragement and chizuk, which this year included special personal letters that Boneinu gathered from family, friends or Rebbes of each boy expressing how much they love and appreciate them.
Because many of the boys lack the opportunities to experience regular childhood joys, the Buneinu team put in tremendous efforts to provide them with non-stop treats, lavish meals and Shabbos nosh, as well as entertainment and games. From the Friday to’amehu and entertainment until the Motzei Shabbos melaveh malka in high spirits, the positive energy was continuous throughout.
Of course, all this took a back seat to the deep chizuk and mentorship that punctuated this beautiful retreat. The elevated singing on Friday night, the inspiring symposium where children opened up with everything that is on their hearts, the tearful kumizts at shalosh seudos, the emotional siyum mishnayis that the boys learned in memory of their parents, and the chizuk speeches and words of encouragement were just some of the many events catering to this higher purpose. As the experts on hand shared, the impact of this Shabbos will pay dividends for months, and even years, ahead!