Prominent U.S. Child Therapists Visit Buneinu and Share Insight on How to Better Provide for Yesomim

April 14, 2022
As the only organization of its kind across the globe, Tov V’Chesed often hosts visitors who want to see the operations for themselves and be inspired.

This month, popular mental health experts Yossi Rubenstein and Daniel Hollander visited Buneinu facilities to share their invaluable expertise.

A special meeting was held with Rabbi Mayer Aker and members of the team to discuss how to better provide for the children in need.

Simcha Fund Marrying Off a Record 64 Yesomim and Ysomos this March!

April 7, 2022

The financial burden of marrying off a child weighs heavily on almanos.

Not only does it prevent them from enjoying this special time, but it sometimes even causes them to not listen to shidduchim at all, for fear of being unable to meet the costs.

The Simcha Fund pays for the entire wedding night and this month’s records are a credit to the many donors who make this work possible.


April 5, 2022

The Pesach season that passed saw Tov V’Chesed distribute food to approximately 10,000 poor and orphaned families across Israel.

This year, specifically, some families found themselves in extremely dire straits.
The great influx of needy families was directly linked to lingering impact of the pandemic and economic slowdowns. 

After two years of struggling with the effects of Covid, a time when many breadwinners lost their income streams with absolutely no government assistance provided, there were families who literally had no food in the pantry or fridge.

Each of the 10,000 assisted families received, in a discreet manner, between 6-9 food boxes to help bring simchas Yom Tov to their table with peace of mind.

Entire truckloads’ worth of food pallets upon arriving at Tov V’Chesed’s distribution warehouse

Buneinu and Bnoseinu clothe each Israeli orphan with dignity

April 3, 2022

In the weeks leading up to Pesach, every orphan in the programs was provided with a credit card per-filled with funds totaling between 1,000-2,000 shekel to purchase new clothing and shoes in honor of Yom Tov.

Many of these families live in such poverty that the children would otherwise wear torn, ragged clothing during the festive season.

With this support, they could now mingle with friends confidently in their new finery thanks to Tov V’Chesed supporter’s generosity.


March 24, 2022

Bein hazmanim is a difficult time for both orphans and their single parent.
Tov V’chesed preempts the boredom and hardships that can arise during those difficult times when school is closed.

Besides lovingly serving breakfast, lunch, and supper, an entertaining program is arranged so that the children can enjoy themselves in a safe and loving environment.

This relieves a great burden from the widow(er) to prepare Yom Tov with ease, without the children underfoot and without fear of them wandering the streets alone.

Gaavid Yerushalayim Joins Wedding at Ulamei Hakramim

March 22, 2022

As the grandfather of a yesomah who was married off in the Tov V’Chesed wedding hall, the Gaavad stopped into the revolutionary hall to join in the festivities.

During his visit, the Yerushalayim Rav put up a mezuzah in one of the rooms and expressed his admiration for the critical work being done.

He mentioned how once upon a time, losing a father would destroy families and children, but today, the many services are truly life changing and saving the futures of our most vulnerable.

Buneinu Center in Bnei Brak Hosts Yesomim From Across Israel After Levayeh of the Sar Hatorah

March 21, 2022

As Klal Yisroel escorted the gadol hador Rav Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L to his final resting place, the Buneinu team in Bnei Brak was preparing to accommodate the yesomim who came to visit the city of Torah on this fateful day.

The children were provided with warm meals and a place to rest after the long day, and hundreds of children stopped by to take a break and gather some energy before returning home.


March 8, 2022

As is well known, the new Hakramim hall has already opened its doors and is hosting fully-paid weddings for poor yesomim and yesomos.

The chassanim and kallahs daven for all the donors who made their big night possible without leaving their surviving parents with a crushing burden of debt.


March 8, 2022

Buneinu and Bnoseinu have made it part of the group’s mission to assist bachurim and girls in the shidduchim process with information and guidance etc.

But when someone has no living parents, the team takes control to help them begin a new life.

Recently, Buneinu celebrated the engagement of a bachur who lost both his parents to the coronavirus within one week of each other. Mazel Tov!

R’ Shmiel Bodansky Shlita , Author of Sefer Be’er Shmuel, Visits Israel to Dedicate Buneinu Center

February 26, 2022

In conjunction with the aforementioned Melaveh Malka, the evening served as L’chaim and naming ceremony for the new Buneinu Center in Beitar.

Loyal friend of Tov V’Chesed R’ Shmiel Badansky, who sponsored the dedication of the new center in memory of his mother Blima A”H, graced the event with his presence.

A special siyum mishnayos in her memory was held, along with the tearful kadish recited by the dozens of yesomim still in aveilus.

A Kvias Mezuzah event was held at the new center, and in the coming months, construction will begin on the building’s interior with the help of those wishing to have a part in this vital undertaking.

Beautiful Melaveh Malka Event to Celebrate Chodesh Adar

February 26, 2022

In honor of Chodesh Adar, the time of simcha, a stimulating event full of food and entertainment was held in the magnificent Hakramim hall that serves orphaned chosson and kallahs.

Separate Purim programs were arranged for the boys and girls to uplift their spirit and have them join in the festive simcha of the season.

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