Nightly Chanukah Program for the Orphan’s of Buneinu

December 20, 2020

For most families, Chanukah means joyous celebrations where children and parents spend quality time together. But for families who lack a parent, the light of this great Yom Tov barely breaks through the darkness. The children light the candles in solitude and the hungry, fractured household experiences no festive gatherings.
But this year thousands of singe-parent families celebrated a most memorable Chanukah, thanks to Tov V’Chesed’s major food distribution prior to the Yom Tov and it’s unique Buneinu program which enabled the light of these special days to shine into their broken lives. 

Thursday, The First Night of Chanukah
Chanukah Celebration with Harav R’ Elimelech Biderman Shlit”a

Tuesday, the Fifth Night of Chanukah
Memorable Menorah Lighting at the Toldos Ahron Rebbe
Exclusively for the orphans and their widowed parent

Evening at the home of Harav Reb Moshe Shternbuch Shlit”a

An Unforgettable Visit to Reb Chaim Kanievsky Shlit”a

Together with the Viznitz Rebbe of Bnei Brak

Momentous Encounter with the Machnivkah Rebbe Shlit”a

The Seventh Night of Chanukah with Hadmor M’Deshinsky Shlit”a

And many more inspirational visits…

The children of Buneinu celebrated a memorable Chanukah, thanks to Tov V’Chesed and their dedicated sponsors! It’s in your zechus!

Major Tishrei Distribution for Thousands of Families in Need

October 1, 2020

Tov V’Chesed succeeded to bring a simchas Yom Tov to thousands of needy families. This year’s distribution saw its greatest effort to date as staff and volunteers wrapped up the season by delivering close to 2,000,000 pounds of food items to 37,191 children of poor and impoverished families.

The costs of this initiative were covered by the generous donations made by Jewish communities around the world. In the weeks leading up to the distribution, tens of thousands of mailings were sent out to Tov V’Chesed supporters. The tremendous response enabled the organization’s largest effort to date.

This year, due to the Covid19 virus and it’s repercussions, Tov V’Chesed’s list of families in need expanded like never before. Rabbi Shisha did everything possible to make sure that no family was left out. With much effort he succeeded to ensure that no hungry child was left behind.

Thanks for your assistance and continuous support!

Backyard BBQ in Lakewood for our Friends and Supporters. Save the Date!

August 27, 2020

Friends of Tov V’Chesed & Rabbi Shisha are invited to take part in a gala barbecue hosted by the Friedman brothers, Pinni & Yoel of Lakewood. Guests will enjoy a lavish spread of meats, an extensive bar, hookman, a kumizits, and much more.

The crowed will hear first hand from Rabbi Shisha as he described how dependent Israel’s orphans are on Buneinu and Bnoseinu and the countless programs it provides for these broken children.

We are counting on individuals like yourself to make this even a success! Thus enabling us to continue our much needed services.

Save the date! Thursday night September 3.

Hope to see you there!

Care Packages Delivered to Orphans Stuck in Quarantine

May 3, 2020

Quarantine is tough on everyone, but even more so for widows and orphans stuck in their small, sad apartments. 

We can’t end the lock down or bring their father back, but we CAN bring them joy and ease the burden on the broken widows. 

Tov V’Chesed under the leadership of R’ Yakov Eliezer Shisha is sending a care package with books, games, CD’s and nosh to hundreds of yesomim in Israel.
Don’t miss out on this incredible Mitzvah and Zchus!

Donate Now

Tov V’Chesed provided coupons redeemable at 200 stores ready to deliver food to needy homes!

April 20, 2020

In recent weeks, everything we’ve known has turned upside down due to the fast spreading virus – COVID19.
But Klal Yisroel is still welcomed the Zman Cheiruseinu with simcha!

At Tov V’Chesed, much has changed but our mission has stayed the same. Unable to provide a regular food distribution (except for Matzohs), we created a 1.8 million dollar coupon program through which thousands of families will be able to afford basic food for Yom Tov. 200 stores around the Holy Land have committed to deliver orders to these families with dignity. Thousands of families have also been added to our list this year after they lost their source of income. 

In the name of 60,000 individuals, I want to thank all of our brothers around the world who have helped make this massive campaign possible! Your zchus is tremendous in this עת צרה!

While I’m sure your Seder was smaller than usual, you have carried out the כל דכפין ייתי ויכול by ensuring that these families were also part of this special night.

Below please find some images from our unique 2020 Kimcha D’Pischa.
If you have yet to donate, please join us at

Preparations Underway for the Grand Bnoseinu Shabbaton – the Weekend!

February 2, 2020

The 5th Annual Bnoseinu Shabbaton

36 hours that will change their year!

Tov V’chesed’s annual Bnoseinu Shabbos is scheduled for the upcoming Shabbos Shira.
320 orphaned girls will receive chizuk, inspiration and relief in the warm and friendly environment Bnoseinu Shabbatons are known for.

The cost of the Shabbos reaches an astronomical $80,000!

Sponsor a girl for only $360!

Give them a weekend of joy and merit the incredible guarantee of
!אם אתה משמח את שלי אני משמח את שלך

“This Shabbos was the happiest I’ve been since my Tatty died. I can’t wait until next year.” -An 8-year old yesomah after last year’s Shabbaton

Life at home is hard for orphaned girls!
One Shabbos a year, they are treated to a true day of מנוחה ושמחה!
Therapists and experts say that the Bnoseinu Shabbaton builds girls’ confidence, self-esteem, positivity and more!

A Day to Remember; Quality Time for Widows and their Orphans at the Gan Hachayot

December 29, 2019

Monday, Zos Chanukah

Chanukah is a time when many families have time off from school enjoying a getaway or trip together. Orphaned families with financial struggles are unable to have these experiences so Tov V’chesed in conjunction with Keren L’Yerushalayim arranged for the famous Jerusalem Biblical Zoo to be made available to over 150 widowed families throughout the entire day.

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and the participants were incredibly grateful for this excursion. Many of the participants have lived in Jerusalem for decades yet have never been to this wonderful attraction. Buneinu staff also provided Chanukah delicacies throughout the day and the children were treated to latkes, donuts and much more.

Buneinu at the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Rebbe, Sunday – 7th Day of Chanukah

December 29, 2019

Sunday, 7th Day of Chanukah the boys of Buneinu had an opportunity to spend time with the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Rebbe. The Rebbe is familiar with the work of this program as he has grandchildren who benefit from the many services (their father passed away in the tragic Mumbai terror attack in 2008). The Buneinu house in Jarusalem is also close to the Rebbe’s house which provides him an opportunity to see the great work up close. The children heard warm words of support and the Rebbe spoke of the great work done by Buneinu and how lucky the kids are to be part of it.

The Rebbetzin also spoke to the children and mentioned that she too was orphaned as a young girl and understands what they are going through. She urged them to stay strong and forge ahead. The children and staff then sang a song with the Rebbe and received Chanukah gelt, before leaving the house with smiles on their faces

Buneinu Orphans Enjoy an Uplifting Evening at Reb Chaim Kanievzky Shlit”a

December 26, 2019

Thursday Evening, 5th night of Chanukah

The young yesomim from Buneinu had the special opportunity to visit with the Gadol Hador, R’ Chaim Kanievsky Shlit”a. R’ Chaim, who has been feeling weak in recent weeks, did not accept visitors throughout Chanukah but made an exception to continue with his annual minhag of giving coins to the boys of Buneinu. R’ Chaim gave each boy a coin and a personal bracha along with warm words of chizzuk.

Thereafter, he blessed the rest of the coins and handed them over to Rabbi Shisha of Tov V’chesed, directing him to share these coins with the generous donors who sponsor a child in the Buneinu and Bnoseinu programs. The children then left the house of the Sar Hatorah in rejuvenated spirits.

Wednesday Chanukah at the Homes of R’ Shimon Galai and at the Mozhitzer Rebbe Shlit”a

December 25, 2019

Wednesday, Fourth Night of Chanukah

R’ Shimon Galai has long been close to Buneinu and despite being stuck at home with a cold, insisted that the children come visit as this offers him a great amount of chizuk. The Rosh Hakollel asked the boys to daven for him and mentioned that we all need to be grateful for the good that Hashem bestowed upon us. He shared that he was once in a bad accident and spent months in recovery while he couldn’t walk. This led him to a greater appreciation for the little things in life, and he urged the children to learn to be grateful for all the good things we do have.

The boys then danced with R’ Shimon and received Chanukah gelt. He also mentioned that he heard about the opening of the new Buneinu house in Bnei Brak and that he would be honored to come if one of the boys were to host a siyum there. One bachur announced that he was close to finishing shas and the Rosh Hakollel agreed to come to the new Buneinu house to grace the grand siyum!

After the aforementioned visit, the children went over to the home of the Mozhitzer Rebbe who is closely aware of Buneinu’s efforts because his school has a number of orphaned students who benefit from the program. The children sang Mozhitzer songs and heard from one of the Rebbe’s close chassidim, R’ Moshe Taussig Shlit”a (brother of the famed speaker R’ Aron Taussig Shlit”a).

R’ Moshe shared the story of his childhood. He was left orphaned from both parents since the time of his Bar Mitzvah. R’ Moshe gave over in great detail how he took control of his life and grew up to be a prominent Talmud Chachum and teacher of Torah. These inspiring words left a great impression on all attendees. The Rebbe than shared words of bracha and chizuk before handing each child a special coin and wishing them luck in dealing with their personal challenges.

Third Night of Chanuka at the Viznitze Rebbe in Bnei Brak

December 24, 2019

Tuesday, Third Night of Chanukah

As in previous years, the Vizhnitz Rebbe in Israel hosted a beautiful Chanukah party for the yesomim from Buneinu. The Vizhnitz Rebbe has a strong affinity for Buneinu as he hosts a Shabbos for the yesomim every year, and recently celebrated a sheva brachos with the children. Due to the increased demand, a hall was rented to accommodate the entire crowd.

The meal was provided by L’hachzikum, an organization dedicated to the needs of orphaned families in Vizhnitz. The Rebbe greeted the children warmly and sang songs with them in honor of Chanukah.
In addition to the Chanukah coins handed out, the Rebbe also gave an additional 50 shekel to each boy so they can buy themselves something nice for Chanukah.

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