Vaad of Rabunim Ensure that Each Case is Legit before Pesach Distribution

April 14, 2019

Harav Chaim Yosef Blau along with other chashuva rabunim sit over each case to ensure that the family is truly in need and that they don’t receive assistance from another venue.

Once a case is confirmed to be legit they are officially added to our list and begin receiving our packages.

Each package gets packed with care and filled with the families needs in mind. The boxes get delivered to the recipients door discreetly and with upmost dignity.

Preparation for the Grand Pesach Food Distribution

April 10, 2019

Preparations are in full swing for the upcoming food distribution. Hundreds of volunteers have enrolled to take part in this great chesed. Routes have been arranged. Thousands of pounds of food have been delivered to the warehouse and packaging is a round the clock activity. The streets leading up to the Tov V’Chesed warehouse have been set up to accommodate the heavy traffic and action.

Enable this great distribution to be a success by donating and having a part in the zechus!

Bein Hazmanim Getaway – A day to remember!

April 10, 2019

Orphaned boys from around Eretz Yisroel were treated to an all day getaway. Bein Hazmanim without a parent can be terribly lonely and upsetting for an orphaned child. Tov Vchesed – Buneinu ensured that each child created joyous memories this bein hazmanim season. The trip included water sports, go karting,  a stop at R’ Meir Bal Haness, and much more. The boys enjoyed being in the company of those who understand them best and be surrounded by loving and caring mentors. The expenses of the trip were generously sponsored by people like yourself who find it impossibly to turn down the plea on an orphaned child.

Renovations completed on the roof top of the Boneinu house in time for Bein Hazmanim

April 3, 2019
Project Boneinu is a popular initiative led by Tov V’Chesed which provides much-needed support for orphaned boys in Israel. Directed  by mechanchem and a supporting staff, its many services include the Boneinu house, a place where these boys can feel at home and relax physically and emotionally in a warm environment during non-school hours.
Recently, the Boneinu house has undergone renovations to improve the tree-lined roof where children have an outdoor space to themselves, a place where they find themselves in the company of other kids who don’t judge or look down upon them. 
The renovations were finished in time for Bein Hazamanim so that it can be put to use during the time when they are off from school. As part of the preparations for the upcoming Bein Hazmanim season, Project Boneinu is also preparing shiurim, activities, and exciting entertainment for the participating boys. Oftentimes, single parent households go through a stressful stretch when all the kids are home and the Boneinu house is the perfect space for these kids to go spend some time and clear their minds.
The results of the Boneinu house have been lauded by mechanchim and teachers who have witnessed the tremendous impact of this warm environment. It is expected that the new additions will expand on the success of this project and serve the children even better than before.






Successful ‘Shabbas Bnoseinu’ for orphaned girls

March 29, 2019
It was a weekend to remember as Tov V’Chesed along with Project Bnoseinu held the inaugural Shabbas Bnsoeinu for orphaned girls from around Israel. The Shabbas was designed to give these girls a few crucial days of chizuk and support.
Project Bnoseinu, led and directed along with R’ Menachem Shmuel Dachner, provides comprehensive emotional and material support to children who have unfortunately experienced the passing of a parent. The emotional turmoil that befalls these families leaves tremendous stress on the young children who often suffer in silence. Project Benoseinu assists these girls with all their needs so that they can grow up as healthy and happy women.
The Shabbos saw hundreds of girls come together for a weekend where they were able to spend time with friends who find themselves in similar predicaments. When the children arrived, they were greeted with a beautiful mock-up of a previous-century marketplace where they were able to choose food and treats for Shabbos. It was unbelievable to watch the girls relax in the warm and encouraging environment around them.
Throughout the Shabbos, the participants were able to let go and be themselves in a warm and encouraging atmosphere, something that is often missing from their lives. As the Shabbaton wrapped up, the smiles on the faces of the participants was evidence to the tremendous success of the retreat and the positive results it had on the girls’ well being. If there was one downside to the entire event it was that unfortunately some invited girls were unable to make it and they missed out on this amazing Shabbaton. 

Successful Purim campaign completed with Simcha and joy spread to thousands

March 22, 2019
As in past years, the primary focus of our Purim initiative was the Matanos L’evyonim which we gave to hundreds of Almanos. Tov V’Chesed volunteers also distributed over 6,000 sets of Mishloach Manos to orphaned children from poor families enabling them too to be part of this great mitzvah. The priceless smiles on their faces were evidence to the great importance of our efforts.
Another key part of Tov V’Chesed’s Purim efforts were the generous meals provided to hundred of widowed families so that they too can join in the day’s festivities. Additionally, throughout the day of Purim, groups of energetic Bucherim went around to numerous widows and orphans and brought Simcha into their broken homes. 
For the first time, we also held an online fundraiser over the week leading up to Purim so that the entire community could take part and contribute to these efforts. Burech Hashem, we surpassed our goal of $250,000 which enabled us to offer our crucial services. The fundraising was assisted by many Gabbaim in local Shuls who were our messengers in collecting donations from Jews who wanted to do Matanos L’evyonim the right way.

Make Them Smile Campaign – Thank You for making it a success!

February 4, 2019

This past February we ran a most successful charidy campaign with a goal of $2,000,000. With your help we raised an astronomical $2,034,166 in just two short days!

The ‘Make Them Smile’ campaign ran for a crucial 36 hours and every dollar was matched x4 by a group of supportive donors. Their commitment served as an inspiration to our entire organization and to the teams of dedicated raisers who took part in this fundraising drive.

Klal Yisroel jumped along, went the extra s’mile’ and made them SMILE! 

Let’s keep them Smiling…!

Chanuka Gelt from Rabbanim around Eretz Yisroel

December 2, 2018

Throughout Chanuka, yesomim under the care of Boneinu were zocheh to visit countless Rabbanim around Eretz Yisroel and receive their warm blessings. The children enjoyed uplifted nights filled with song and dance. They received Chanuka gelt and warm wishes to pull them through the cold and harsh winter.

Celebrating Chanuka, a time of warmth and light, without a father at their side can be a miserable and torturous experience for unfortunate orphans. Boneinu, a project of Tov V’chesed, is there to fill the gap and ensure that these children too have a lechtiga Yom Tov.

Splendid BBQ in Airmont August 2018

August 26, 2018

Friends of Tov V’Chesed – Rabbi Shisha were invited to take part in a gala barbecue hosted on Yedidya Blau’s sprawling backyard in Airmont. Guests enjoyed a lavish spread of meats and were entertained by the popular star, Duvi Meisels.

The crowed was left unbelieving and shaken after Rabbi Shisha described how desperate countless families in Israel are for financial assistance. Kindhearted individuals open their hearts and pockets to assist those in need.

We thank those in attendance for their warm response to this important cause and look forward to hosting you in the future.

Shabbaton Getaway for the dedicated Mentors and Staff Members of Buneinu

September 19, 2017

Buneinu staff members will remember the uplifting shabbaton they were treated to for years to come. Those in attendance left feeling rejuvenated, uplifted, and inspired. The program included many educational classes, full of hadrucha, and insight.

We were privileged to have Rav Kalman Goldschmidt zt”l join us as the guest of honor and we were greatly inspired by his vast knowledge on the subject.

Each staff member’s mission was reinforced at the shabbaton and they each look forward to giving their orphaned charges at Buneinu even more than they have before.

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