Gala BBQ in Airmont for our Close Friends and Supporters

August 27, 2019

Friends of Tov V’Chesed & of Rabbi Shisha were invited to take part in a gala barbecue hosted on Yedidya Blau’s sprawling backyard in Airmont. Guests enjoyed a lavish spread of meats, an extensive bar, hookman, a Strumz kumizits, and much more.

The crowed was left unbelieving and shaken after Rabbi Shisha described how dependent Israel’s orphans are on Buneinu and the countless programs it provides for these broken children. Kindhearted individuals opened their hearts and pockets to assist the great project Buneinu.

We thank those in attendance for giving of their time and for their generous support. We hope you enjoyed!

Tov V’Chesed lost one of its leading gedolim Harav Mordechai Aron Scheinberger zt”l

August 20, 2019

Tov V’Chesed grieves the loss of one of its gedolim, Harav Mordechai Aron Scheinberger zt”l. Harav Scheinberger zt”l was a true source of guidance and inspiration. R’ Shisha constantly discussed what was happening at Tov V’Chesed with him and would hardly move without his intuitive advice, hadracha, and warm brachah.

Harav Scheinberger often knew people who were in desperate need of financial assistance but were to embarrassed to ask and would ensure that Tov V’Chesed added these families to the list of recipients.

Rabbi Shisha was zocheh to a private audience with Harav Scheinberger zt”l just two weeks before he passing.

Our condolence to those who were zocheh to be in his presence and have now been left bereft.

May we share only Besoros Tovas!

Summer Vacation and Chesed All In One…!

August 18, 2019

Families visiting Eretz Yisroel during their summer break took the opportunity to teach their young children about helping a yid in need. To V’Chesed’s packaging warehouse was the ideal place to bring this message home. The children enjoyed the hands on activity and had the zechus to fill, package, and deliver the boxes to a receivers door.

What can be a better investment?!

Thanks for your warm answer to the RING campaign!

August 8, 2019

The week of Tu B’av we ran a global campaign named ‘RING’ with a goal of $750,000, the cost of 100 weddings. With your help we raised an astronomical $757,087 in just four short days!

The ‘RING’ campaign ran during the week of Tu B’av – a special time for shidduchim and yeshuos. We don’t need to elaborate on the tremendous significance of taking on such a cause. We know the promise of HKB”H that אם אתה משמח את שלי אני משמח את שלך. For those in need of a yeshua with a shidduch or any other matter, this was an unprecedented opportunity to secure this awe-inspiring promise!  

Klal Yisroel warmth and participation was a true inspiration and encouragement to the staff at Tov V’chesed and to the many orphaned chassanim and kallos who are counting on our assistance.

We can’t thank you enough and are counting your continuous support.

A widower’s expression of appreciation for caring about his orphaned family through day and ‘night’.

August 1, 2019

Rabbi Shisha recently received this heartwarming gift – a pillow with a printed picture of an orphaned family he cares for. The widower expressed his appreciation to Rabbi Shisha for thinking about his children at all times.

Buneinu and Bnoseinu orphans have become Rabbi Shisha’s adopted children. And the family unfortunately keeps growing. Too many young children are left bereft of a parent.

He needs our assistance to enable him to cater to all those broken children in need.

Fun Night Out for the Orphans of Bnoseinu on a Scenic Roof Top

July 18, 2019

This past Thursday, orphaned girls from project Bnoseinu were treated to a fun night out. They spent a few hours in the company of girls who understand them best along with mentors and specialist who feel their plight. The program included an amazing virtual reality show which the girls truly enjoyed. The scenic roof top was beautifully prepared with anything the girls might dream of and beyond. The excitement, laughter, and relaxation was all they need to rejuvenate and recharge and it was all the staff at  Bnoseinu needed to encourage them to continue their holy work.





Lechayim at Reb Chaim Kanievsky celebrating the new Buneinu Center in Bnei Brak

July 10, 2019

This week a beautiful and spacious apartment was purchased to host another Buneinu center.

Due to the growing demand for project Buneinu, Tov Vchesed along with the support of a generous benefactor purchased an apartment in Bnei Brak. The achievement was celebrated with a lechayim at the home of Reb Chaim Kanievsky.

Reb Chaim’s warm wishes, heartfelt brachos, and strong encouragement will accompany Rabbi Shisha and the entire staff in all their endeavors.

For years, orphaned boys from Bnei Brak and surrounding towns were forced to travel to Jerusalem to benefit from Buneinu’s many services. This led to many boys not receiving the assistance vital to their emotional health and well-being. At the request of parents, school leaders and guidance counselors, Rabbi Shisha and Tov V’chesed decided that it’s time to bring Buneinu to the great Torah city of Bnei Brak.

Baruch Hashem, the Buneinu house, located at Rechov Shapiro 10, is already proving to be a great success in its first few months, and it is expected that this home-away-from-home will bring much needed relief to orphaned boys in need.

Boneinu Celebrates as Director R’ Meir Aker Marries off a Son

June 27, 2019

Jerusalem, Israel – It was a night of joy and appreciation as Boneinu hosted a Sheva Brachos celebrating the marriage of the son of its dedicated director and chief mechanech R’ Meir Aker Shlit”a.

The beautiful event saw the participation of Boneinu staff, volunteers, and many of the orphaned children who benefit from its numerous services. During the evening many notable personalities attended and shared their appreciation for Rabbi Aker and his dedicated efforts on behalf of these boys in need. The list of Rabbanim included the Toldos Aharon Rebbe, Toldos Avrum Yitzchok Rebbe, R’ moshe Bransdorfer Shlit”a, the Satmar Rav of Yersushalyim, R’ Yitzchok Moshe Erlanger Shlit”a and more.

During the Sheva Brachos, many of the entertainers who volunteer their time on behalf of Boneinu performed and were mesameach the Chosson and Kallah. This was highlighted by the renowned singer R Areleh Samet along with the Shira choir entertaining the crowd free of charge.

The many participating children also got to enjoy the company of each other and spend quality time with friends and other boys who share their plight. Together they sang, danced and enjoyed a night of simcha with the entire Boneinu family.

Mazel Tov!

Shavous Dairy Distribution around Eretz Yisreol

June 13, 2019

“Erev Shavous was the first time I had a yogurt in years thanks to the Tov V’Chesed box delivered to our door.” Listen to the words of a teenage girl. To countless destitute families around Israel yogurts, leben, cheese and other dairy products are something for store shelves. Never accessible, never affordable…

Your generous assistance enables us to bring a simchas yom tov to the homes of hundreds of destitute families.

Thanks for taking part in this great distribution!

Have a happy and health summer!

Lag Beomer in Meron with Both Buneinu and Bnoseinu

May 23, 2019

Often, orphaned children are forgotten when it comes to momentous occasions and special celebrations. Single-parent homes are strained and burdened in too many ways to remember and undertake a trip to Meron like most families do. Tov Vchesed’s – orphan support does not forget Israel’s children. They ensure that each child gets what he/she deserves throughout the year. Countless buses filled with orphaned children made their way to Reb Shimon in Meron this Lag Beomer. A special division was set up to host the orphans of both Buneinu and Bnoseinu. The day was spent with tefillah, song, and dance. There was food and drink around the clock and every child felt cared for. Buneinu/Bnoseinu cares when no one else does.

Yeshivas Bein Hasmanim – fills an orphan’s day with great satisfaction

April 29, 2019

Project Boneinu runs a special bein hazmanim program for orphaned boys. Besides for daily activities and entertainment at the center, the boys are encouraged to learn each day and are rewarded for it. At the end of the bein hazmanim  season the success is celebrated with a big Siyum. Each orphan is honored and receives a beautiful reward. Each boy is made to feel like the only one. Each child is a treated like a true celebrity.

Major Pesach food distribution – to thousands around Eretz Yisroel

April 18, 2019

In what has become Israel’s premier Pesach food drive, this year’s distribution by Tov V’Chesed saw its greatest effort to date as staff and volunteers wrapped up the season by delivering close to 1,200,000 pounds of food items to over 40,000 children of poor and impoverished families.

The costs of this initiative were covered by the generous donations made by Jewish communities around the world. In the weeks leading up to the distribution, tens of thousands of mailings were sent out to Tov V’Chesed supporters. The tremendous response enabled the organization’s largest effort to date.

This year, the organization set out on a mission to assist every family that reaches out for support. For years, the list of requesting families grew longer and longer and the organization’s leadership was unable to meet the demand. Rabbi Shisha shared that this feeling would gnaw at him throughout the Seder night and all of Pesach. This year, he was determined to see to it that no hungry child is left behind.

To that end, Tov V’Chesed significantly expanded its fundraising and logistics operations. A larger warehouse space was rented, more volunteers were enlisted to assist with packaging and delivering, and more effort was put into the fundraising operations. The results speak for themselves as thousands of families all over the holy land each received a delivery of 8-10 large boxes containing over 40 different food items. As the food distribution wrapped up, it was clear that Klal Yisroel came together to do Kimcha D’Pischa the right way, and brought Simchas Yom Tov to thousands of destitute families.





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